How it works

Fresh meals. Personalised plans. Delivered to your door. Happy dance guaranteed.


Introduce your pooch

Bella the Cavapoo setting up her tailored plan in the Butternut Box website.

We'll ask you a few questions about your dog, and create their perfect plan. How active are they? How many treats do they get?

A dog with two axis measurement arrows
Their pawfect plan
A filled dog food bowl with heart shapes above the bowl Perfect daily portions
Two food pouches side by side Favourite recipes
Two bone-shaped biscuit treats Room for treats
Tell us about your dog

We deliver to your door

Bella the Cavapoo eagerly inspecting a box full of Butternut Box meals

Your perfectly portioned meals are frozen to lock in the freshness. We deliver them in insulated boxes at a time that suits you.

What if I’m not in?

A question mark icon.

If you're not in, your courier will text you for instructions on where to leave your box.

Frozen and insulated, it'll be safe until you get home.

Build your box

Your plan, your way

Bella the Cavapoo with a freezer full of Butternut Box meals

Update your dog’s information, change their pouch size or easily pause your deliveries. No commitment.

Build your box

Some example plans from our Butternutters

From fussy to foodie

Bella at the dinner table with a chicken meal pouch in her bowl.

Two years ago, before trying Butternut, Bella was a true fusspot. Nowadays eating is her favourite hobby. That and tennis (balls).

An illustration of a Butternut meal pouch

Eats 200g/day

An illustration of a dog bowl

Eats Butternut for breakfast and dinner

An illustration of a dog eating from a bowl

Loves her meals warmed up

Growing puppy

A diptych of April the labrador as a puppy and as an adult.

We've been feeding April since she was 2 months old. As her weight changed, we adjusted her plan to suit her growing needs.

An illustration of a Butternut meal pouch

Started with 600g/day. Her pet parents always updated her weight in their account as she grew

An illustration of a dog bowl.

Eats half Butternut and half of her previous food

An illustration of a dog eating from a bowl

Has some training treats

Back to a healthy weight

A diptych of Harvey before he was on Butternut and after, showing how he got to his ideal weight on Butternut.

With the help of his perfectly portioned, low fat Butternut meals, Harvey made an impressive transformation.

An illustration of a Butternut meal pouch.

His pouch size gradually changed as he lost weight

An illustration of a dog bowl

Splits his daily pouch into 3 servings

An illustration of a dog eating from a bowl

He mostly sticks to our low fat meals

Helpful stuff

Learn more about Butternut