A dog paw A dog paw A dog paw A dog paw
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Butternut Box is a UK-based startup, founded by two friends, Kev & Dave. The two started the company so that they could deliver health and happiness to dogs and their humans all over the world. They’re serving up a fresh take on dog food.

❓ What is this notice all about?

We want to be completely transparent about how we collect and use your personal data and this privacy notice exists to tell you exactly how we do this.

This notice applies wherever we decide why and how we process personal data (and therefore act as a Data Controller under data protection law). It covers the personal data we process when you use our services.

Our privacy notice tells you the journey of your personal data from the moment it enters our systems up until it's time for us to say "goodbye 👋*"*, as well as the various stops it makes along the way.

📮 Our contact details

Email: bark@butternutbox.com

👇 The different ways we process personal data

Marketing cookies allow us to serve you personalised advertisements relevant to you and your dog

 You can choose not to store Non-essential cookies on your computer when you visit our website, or you can adjust your browser settings to prevent cookies from being saved on your computer. You can find information about how to manage Cookies in the most commonly used browsers at the following addresses:

📜 What are your rights?

Your personal data is yours and you have rights in relation to it granted by the UK GDPR, which include:

You don't have to pay anything in order to exercise your rights. Please contact us by sending an email to privacy@butternutbox.com if you wish to make a request under your rights; we have a calendar month to get back to you with a response.

💔 How you can complain

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, please let us know by:

 💡 Emailing us at privacy@butternutbox.com , or

 💡 Writing to us at West Works, 195 Wood Ln, London W12 7FQ

If you are not satisfied with our response or you are unhappy with how we have used your data, you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). You can find the ICO contact details below:

 💡 ICO Address: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, Helpline number: 0303 123 1113.

 💡 ICO Website: https://www.ico.org.uk